A Non-Profit Creating A
Weekly Podcast of
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In addition to the weekly Podcast, "When You're Ready to Listen", Thresher Media Group is also posting older "live" recordings of verse-by-verse teachings through various books of the Bible as well as topical studies.Podcast and Teaching Transcripts
Complete written transcripts of all Podcasts and Teachings, including all scripture references (footnoted), diagrams, and other references, is free to download, "When You're Ready to Read".Donate to Thresher Media Group
To participate in this effort, Thresher Media Group would greatly appreciate any financial donations you are willing to make to this ministry. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Select 'Donate' in the top menu.Our Mission Is To
Live by faith
actively believING the truth
‘What shall we do, so that we may work the works of God?’ Jesus answered and said to them, ‘This now is the work of God, that you now believe in Him whom He has sent. This is the work which the Father desires of us--to bet our lives upon all that Jesus said He is (Yahweh) and who we are to Him.
For instance, Jesus said that Only God is Good.
Therefore, it is not enough to know that Only God is Good, it is not enough to profess a belief that Only God is Good, it is not enough to feel that Only God is Good, we must be willing to actively bet our lives on the truth that Only God is Good.
This means that we become willing to choose to let God destroy and bring into judgment everything within our being that loves our own goodness and finds validation, meaning, identity, and worth in what we can do for God, or for anyone for that matter. After all, if Only God is Good, then only God can do good.
To actively believe the truth is to have Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, live His life in and through our bodies, such that what we do is, by definition, good!